High Falls Caption

High Falls, Dekalb County, Alabama

For more information, please contact Dan Frederick, 205/631-4680, or seoutings@bellsouth.net.

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Upcoming Activities

JANUARY 25, 2025, SATURDAY, please meet 8:45 a.m.

Southeastern Outings Waterfowl Viewing Trip

Where: Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge (WNWR), Decatur, AL

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Details Experience the thrilling sight of thousands of sandhill cranes, wild geese and ducks plus herons and other birds.  The Refuge has the largest concentration of wintering cranes, geese and ducks in the entire state of Alabama!  You don’t need to be a bird watcher to enjoy this outing!  Experienced birders leading the trip will share their knowledge with all.

This 35,000-acre refuge attracts thousands of wintering waterfowl each year.  WNWR is comprised of diverse habitat types including bottomland hardwoods, wetlands, pine uplands, shoreline or riparian woodlands, agricultural fields, and backwater embayments.  These habitats provide excellent feeding, resting, and roosting sites for wintering waterfowl, white pelicans, sandhill cranes and a few endangered whooping cranes as well as nesting sites for migratory songbirds and many species of resident wildlife.

Note-To view photos of what we will see on this trip, please click on this link:


Please be sure to click on the link and view the photographs.

We are highly privileged to have as our guide Dwight Cooley, the retired Refuge Manager.  Dwight will take us on refuge roads behind locked gates as we drive to various bays and sloughs where you can easily see hundreds of ducks and geese in large numbers.  We’ll also see many other types of birds including, hopefully, bald eagles.  We’ll even see a huge flock of sandhill cranes which winter at the refuge each year.  This winter the Refuge expects to host in excess of 22,000 sandhill cranes and about 20 endangered whooping cranes.  The gated roads are closed to the public but will be open to our group.  

Please bring binoculars, a birding field guide and a spotting telescope with you if you have them.  The leader and Dan Frederick will each bring a spotting telescope which they will share with participants.  Also, please bring your picnic lunch and drink with you.

This outing is rated easy as there is very little walking involved, and we won’t be climbing any hills or walking through thick brush.  Please dress for the weather.  The wind at the refuge can be biting, blowing across open water on cold days. 

Well-behaved, carefully supervised children age 10 and over who can remain quiet for extended periods of time (so as to not disturb the birds and bird watchers) are welcome.

Possible optional dinner after the birding trip depending on what time we finish bird watching.

Reservations Required: If you wish to participate in this outing, you are required to call Dan Frederick, 205/631-4680 or email your reservation to southeasternoutings@gmail.com by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025.  When you contact Dan, please be sure you leave your first and last name and either your phone number or email address.  If you are bringing guest(s), please be sure to give Dan the first and last names of each of them. 

At a later time Dan Frederick will advise meeting time and place only to those who have signed up and been approved for this trip. 

We look forward to seeing many of you on January 25, 2025.

Info: Dan Frederick, 205/631-4680 or southeasternoutings@gmail.com


JANUARY 30, THURSDAY, please meet 9:30 a.m.

Southeastern Outings Leisurely Weekday Hike

Where: Red Mountain Park

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Details: Please come with us for a 3-4 mile hike on a walkable portion of this noteworthy place.  We will hike from the Red Mountain Park Parking Lot on Lyon Lane to the Grace’s Gap and back. 

The walking pace for this hike is rated moderately easy since there are some hills to climb.  We’ll stop often to catch our breath and note flowers, trees, birdsongs and the trail and woods around us. 

Please bring your picnic lunch and plenty of water.  Wear good walking shoes or boots. Dress appropriately for the weather.

Please meet at 9:30 a.m. in the large Red Mountain Park parking lots on the right side of Lyon Lane immediately after you turn right onto Lyon Lane off of the north end of Frankfurt Drive off Lakeshore Parkway.  We plan to depart from there at 9:45 a.m.

Information and Trip Leader: Christine Heckemeyer, 205-979-5730


FEBRUARY 6, THURSDAY, Meet 9:30 a.m.

Southeastern Outings Leisurely Weekday Hike

Where: Beeswax Creek Park, Lay Lake, Wilsonville, Alabama

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Details: Beeswax Creek Park, bordered by Beeswax Creek to its north and Lay Lake (Coosa River) to its east, is located in the Columbiana/Wilsonville area in Shelby County, Alabama.  Beeswax Creek Park has many amenities including two picnic pavilions, three fishing piers, a 2.8- mile multi-use trail for hiking, two restroom facilities and a huge parking lot.  A caretaker provides security for the park.  Alabama Power Company, through its "The Preserves" program, has added a boardwalk and a bridge to the trail system, created a pollinator plot with interpretive signs, and Alabama Power has also built two gazebos overlooking Lay Lake.

The walking pace for this hike will be moderately easy.  We’ll stop often to catch our breath and note views, trees, birdsongs and the trail and woods around us. 

Please meet at 9:30 a.m. at the McDonald’s Galleria.  We plan to depart from there at 9:45 a.m.

        Admission to the park is free.

Info. and trip Leader: Christine Heckemeyer, 205-979-5730


FEBRUARY 8, SATURDAY, please meet at 9:45 a.m.

Southeastern Outings Dayhike

Where: Piper Interpretive Trail and the Cahaba Loop Trail in the Cahaba National Wildlife Refuge, Piper (near West Blocton), Alabama

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Details: Come with us on an easy 3 or so-mile hike on three trails in the especially lovely Cahaba National Wildlife Refuge.  The walking pace for this hike will be moderately easy.  We’ll stop often to catch our breath and note views, trees, birdsongs and the trail and woods around us. 

The Piper Interpretive Trail is a 2.8-mile, lightly trafficked trail in the Cahaba National Wildlife Refuge located near Piper, Alabama.  The trail features views of the Cahaba River and is good for all skill levels. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, nature trips, and bird watching and is accessible year-round.

This well-maintained trail goes through the forest and ends with a deck overlooking the Cahaba River. The trail passes some interesting ravines and cliffs.

The first half of the trail is an old mine railroad right of way along a rocky ridgeline high above the Cahaba River.  A stand of pine, mostly loblolly pine planted to replace the longleaf pines that were clearcut years ago, makes for a beautiful canopy and visually appealing section of the trail—the fallen needles provide soft footing and make the peaceful forest even more quiet.  At mile 1.2, you will find a side trail off to the right that leads downhill to the first overlook.

After enjoying the view from the first overlook, you will continue onward to a second overlook which is slightly more difficult to reach, due to elevation changes.  You will cross a second bridge over a seasonal stream. From there the trail climbs up the ridge on a rocky old mining road to the final overlook. From the platform you can see the Cahaba River far below.

Since the last time we hiked the Piper II Trail several years ago, the road in the high sections of the Refuge has been improved, widened, and open to all vehicles.  Therefore, we will run a car shuttle tomorrow.  After we visit the second overlook, we will walk a short distance down to the cars in the new parking lot and transport everyone back to the main parking lot by the road where the Piper II Trail starts.  Children age 9 and older welcome.

Please meet 9:45 a.m. at the McDonald’s Galleria parking lot.  We plan to depart from there at 10:00 a.m.

Information and Trip Leader: Dan Frederick, email southeasternoutings@gmail.com,  phone 205/631-4680


FEBRUARY 16, SUNDAY, please meet 12:45 p.m.

Southeastern Outings Third Sunday Dayhike in Oak Mountain State Park

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Details: Enjoy a moderate 4-mile walk in the woodlands near Birmingham on a Sunday afternoon.  This is an excellent outing for introducing your friends to Southeastern Outings and for making new friends who enjoy the outdoors.  Parts of this hike may be off the color-coded trails.  There will be some ups and downs.  

Well-behaved, properly supervised children age eight and up able to walk the distance of about 4 miles and complete the hike are welcome. 

Share an adventure!  Bring a friend.

Please meet at 12:45 p.m. in the Oak Mountain Park office parking lot.  We plan to depart from there at 1:00 p.m.

Please bring $5/person ($2.00 seniors) park admission fee plus your drink.

Information and trip leader: Randall Adkins, 205-317-6969

FEBRUARY 22 SATURDAY, please meet 9:45 a.m.

Southeastern Outings Picnic Lunch and Moderate Dayhike

Where: Paul Grist State Park near Selma, Alabama

Click for more pictures

Details: Paul Grist State Park is one of the state’s most uncrowded, yet scenic state parks containing hills, forests, fields and a large, beautiful, tree-lined lake. 

Prior to the dayhike we will get together at the smaller pavilion right near the park office to eat our picnic lunches.  Please bring your picnic lunch and also $3 per person ($2 for children age 2-6 and seniors age 62 and older) park admission and a beverage for yourself. 

Dayhike Details: Hike rated moderate.  There are only a few ups and downs.  Total hiking distance is approximately 5.5 miles.  We plan to walk all the way around the lake and then also walk on some additional trails in the park to make the drive time down and back worthwhile. 

Well-behaved, carefully supervised children age nine and over able to walk 6 miles without complaining are welcome.  Please bring your picnic lunch and drink and wear sturdy footwear. 

Optional group restaurant dinner after the hike.  Reservations not required for this outing.

Please meet 9:45 a.m. at the McDonald’s Galleria. We plan to depart from there at 10:00 a.m.

Info. And Trip Leader: Dan Frederick email southeasternoutings@gmail.com or telephone 205-631-4680

MARCH 6, THURSDAY, please meet 9:30 a.m.

Southeastern Outings Dayhike

Where: Blue Trail, Flemming Park, Hoover, Alabama

Details: This will be Southeastern Outings’ very first ever hike on this new trail in a fairly recently created Hoover City park.  The property is located along a beautiful wooded stretch of the Cahaba River not far from the Hoover Met Stadium.  The property encompasses hilly, forested terrain and aquatic riparian habitat in and near the Cahaba River.
         The trail is about 2.3 miles in length, and we plan to hike it one way, so we will run a car shuttle with some of our vehicles to be parked at both ends of the trail.
         Flemming Park currently consists of about 43 acres and is the first phase of a park which will eventually cover 130 acres and stretch three miles along the Cahaba River.
         Signature Homes already has developed a number of hiking and biking trails on the property and built two restrooms and a pavilion that can hold 30 to 40 people. There is also a gravel parking lot that can hold approximately 10 cars. Several miles of the hiking trails are already located near the frontage of the Cahaba River.
         The walking pace for this hike will be moderately easy.  Total hiking distance will probably be about 2.3 miles.  We’ll stop often to catch our breath and note views, trees, birdsongs and the trail and woods around us.  
         Please bring with you on this hike your picnic lunch, water and a plastic ground cloth or trash bag to sit on at lunch.  There is no charge to participate in this hike and no charge for admission to the park.
         Please meet at 9:30 a.m. in the parking lot behind the McDonald’s Galleria. We plan to depart from there at 9:45 a.m.

Information and Hike Leader: Christine Heckemeyer, 205-979-5730


Southeastern Outings Dayhike, Sipsey Wilderness, Bankhead National Forest

Click for more pictures

Details: Moderately strenuous 4-mile hike in a highly scenic location, Upper Quillan Creek Forest Area.  Most of the hike is off trail, there are lots of ups and downs, and several rock-hopping crossings are required across small creeks.   

We’ll walk along two creeks and on an old road.  At a beautiful waterfall we’ll visit the site of an old mill.  On this hike we’ll see several small waterfalls on side creeks and tributaries to Quillan Creek.  We will visit at least three very pretty waterfalls on Quillan Creek itself along the way.  We expect to see a minimum of a total of twelve lovely waterfalls on this trip.

Please bring picnic lunch and water for the day.  We expect to finish about 4:00 p.m.  Optional dinner after.  Well-behaved, properly supervised children age 9 and over able to walk 4 miles off trail without complaining welcome.

Reservations Required: If you wish to participate in this outing, you are required to call Dan Frederick, 205/631-4680 or email your reservation to southeasternoutings@gmail.com by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 6, 2024.  When you contact Dan, please be sure you leave either your phone number or email address.  This outing is limited to 10 people in order to comply with U.S. Forest Service regulations.  We hope the limitation will not prove to be a problem. 

If you make a reservation with Dan to come on this trip and then for any reason decide later to not come on this outing, please telephone Dan, 205/631-4680 right away.  If we have 10 people signed up on the day of the hike and, for example, we have two people on the waiting list and then two people who signed up don’t show up for the hike, those two no-show people have in effect deprived the two on the waiting list from participating.  Please don’t be a no-show.  If you aren’t coming after making a reservation, please notify Dan.

At a later date leader will advise meeting time and place only to those who have signed up and been approved for this trip. 

Information and Trip Leader: Dan Frederick,   southeasternoutings@gmail.com, or 205/631-4680